Pitch Consultation
Submit your pitch both written and verbally
Receive feedback and discuss how to strengthen your pitch, as well as tailor it for a specific place in the market.
Refine your pitch for both short and long form opportunities
Identify, highlight and emphasize how your story is unique
Implement an industry approved template to help you organize how your present your story, characters, and the tone of the show

The reality of this industry, this town, is that you could find yourself pitching an idea anywhere. It could be 2 minutes waiting for your pumpkin spiced latte at a West Side Starbucks. It could be 5 minutes with a tipsy agent at a birthday party. Or you could be prepping for your first full length pitch with a studio executive or producer.
Being able to identify your situation, know what is expected, what gets the most traction or an immediate dismissal can mean the difference between a shot at selling your ideas and work, or being permanently blacklisted by an individual.
How do we pitch our ideas and then follow up with substance? How do you differentiate yourself from being another “new writer” to someone who understands the professional hurdles and pitfalls in actually selling someone on an idea and eventually a film or show?"
- T. Salter
Script Consultation
Receive two thorough and critical reads of your pilot or feature script to collect extensive notes on characters, dialogue, structure and plot.
Acquire feedback on all the above aspects of a script, both what is working and what falls short.
Find ways to differentiate it from other similar material that is being shopped around Hollywood or has already been fully produced.
Discuss the most pertinent obstacle in Hollywood: why representation or a producer will pass on your script.

Anyone in this business can read a script and give a thumbs up or thumbs down. It’s much harder to get specific feedback in terms of structure, plot, dialogue, and the numerous other reasons why someone might “pass” on your work.
I do not use a formulaic template to critique and give feedback, but rather tailor my comments to underline the strengths of your script and any and all places where improvements or adjustments could be made.
The name of the game in Hollywood, whether you’re a studio executive, producer, agent or manager is: how and why should I say no/pass on this script. I will give personalized feedback on the reasons that might happen and how you can pre-emptively eliminate those pitfalls."
- T. Salter
Industry Consultation
Receive two thorough and critical reads of your pilot or feature script to collect extensive notes on characters, dialogue, structure and plot.
Acquire feedback on all the above aspects of a script, both what is working and what falls short.
Find ways to differentiate it from other similar material that is being shopped around Hollywood or has already been fully produced.
Discuss the most pertinent obstacle in Hollywood: why representation or a producer will pass on your script.

The one on one industry consultation is great for writers who are new to Hollywood or transitioning from one discipline: journalism, playwrights, novelists, etc. to screenwriting.
How do you network in this over-saturated market? What is the best way to pitch yourself as a writer and client to agents and managers? How to you foster communities that will help you network and get more feedback on your work? What are the common misconceptions about breaking into the industry on the writing side? I will give you firsthand experience of both failures and successes and the avenues people took to get there.
There is no “one sure path to success” but by understanding the topography of the industry and your place in it you’ll be better equipped to push your material and yourself as writer.
- T. Salter
Let's Talk!
Not sure where to begin? Please reach out! Tell me a bit about yourself, your project and/or goals and I will do my best to steer you in the right direction and offer an honest assessment of how I can best be of help to you.
Email me for more info directly at theo@nomadlit.com